I have been lucky to work with people to help to support them during their healing journey, firstly as an Occupational Therapist, and later as an energy healer. I have done many courses and trained in various healing modalities, such as Reiki, Quantum Touch®, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Integrated Energy Therapy®, Thought Field Therapy® and many others. I have also been fascinated by the information that the powerful scans revealed about the brain. I have learnt lots of techniques and tools during this time too. Many I have tried on myself! I have also discovered that I have a natural ability to create meditations and guided visualizations which people have found relaxing and helpful.

The more I have worked with people, the more I have learnt, and over time, I have naturally adapted the way I work. I found myself combining my experience and knowledge in such a way as to create sessions that were tailored to the needs of the client. I work in an intuitive way and follow my guidance, using the most appropriate, tool, technique or exercise to support my client. This has resulted in the Awake to Healing You Treatment.



This involves working together to support and guide you to achieve your goal. The goal may be related to a physical issue such as pain or an emotional issue such as stress or anxiety. You may also be facing a challenge, feel stuck or want to change habits or sabotaging behaviours that are driven by negative thoughts and beliefs which are stopping you moving forward.





  • Greater clarity
  • Reduced physical and emotional pain
  • Feel calm and relaxed
  • Feel empowered to support self
  • Have tools, techniques and information to support self
  • Have tapping sequence to continue healing
  • Release blocks to achieving goal


The session takes place on zoom or other app of your choice. It lasts approximately 90 minutes. Prior to the session it is a good idea to consider what you would like to achieve during the session.

We will start the session by discussing what you would like to achieve. This enables issues to be explored more deeply and often reveals blocks or areas that might be related to the problem or challenge being experienced. Sessions vary, but may contain thought field therapy,(TFT) a tapping technique, exercise, such as mindful yawning, meditation, breathing techniques and so on.

During the session you will be guided and supported. Each session is adapted to meet your needs.

By the end of the session clients often feel relaxed, calm, have more clarity, reduced physical and emotional pain and tools and techniques they can use to support themselves.

This is often just the beginning of your healing journey, each session supporting you to release and clear what is no longer serving you. Empowering you to support yourself, clear your blocks and achieve your goals.


Awake to healing you is complementary to other healing arts and can be used alone or in combination with other holistic or traditional approaches to support your self-healing journey.  However, Awake to healing you is not a replacement for traditional medical approaches.

Please note that no medical claims are made as to the effect or outcome of this treatment approach. Each person is encouraged to be responsible in the use and choice of professional healing assistance as needed.



Important Note: This is a powerful, complementary holistic treatment and is an adjunct to, and not a replacement of conventional medical care.  I  do not prescribe or make diagnosis.  Please refer to your family practitioner for diagnosis of any medical problems and appropriate prescriptions or medication adjustments.