"I AM" Movie

Before you go ahead and click on the button, take a moment to check out my website. I offer a range of services, including Private Sessions, Programs, Reiki Classes, Sunshine Kit, Reiki Infused Jewellery, Inspirational Cards and more.
If you have any questions or want to know more why not book a free consultation with me.

After watching the ‘I AM’ movie the following short simple exercise will help enhance your experience:
- Close your eyes after viewing the video and just become aware of all you have seen and felt.
- Allow these sensations to fill your body and mind, see yourself as that loving being, that is happy, loved, filled with light, confident, healthy and so much more.
- See that ‘you’ standing in front of you. Take a deep breath and when you are ready, step into this ‘you’. Connect deeply and see what it feels like, image you are walking in your favourite place, or doing something you love, or with friends or family. Notice how different, or easy it is, how good you feel, safe, happy, at peace…..
- Stay as long as you wish, and when you are ready come back slowly and open your eyes.
Watching this movie morning and evening will help you release blocks to connecting deeper, embracing and becoming you!
Click on the button and download your “I AM’ Movie”.
Have fun with this short movie. Enjoy the journey as you begin to reclaim who you are.