Quantum-touch is a very effective method of natural healing which comes under the umbrella of energy medicine. The practitioner uses focus, breathing techniques and body awareness exercises to amplify their life-force energy. The practitioner places their hands close to the area that requires healing and surrounds the area with a high vibrational field. Through a process of resonance and entrainment, the client raises their vibration to match the practitioner’s high vibration. This stimulates the innate intelligence within the client’s body to start to heal the body. The healer in this situation is very clearly the person who needs healing. Quantum-Touch therefore allows the individual to play an active and leading role in the healing process.
Quantum-Touch has been found to be helpful in the following areas –
- Provides very fast pain relief and accelerated healing for a wide range of conditions
- Assists in the adjustment and realignment of bones
- Reduces inflammation due to injury, for example with burns it may reduce the inflammation, pain, accelerate the healing process and reduce the risk of scarring
- It helps relaxation, encouraging sleep and deep meditation. People often relax or even fall asleep during the session
- Helps with emotional and psychological conditions, bringing balance and calm
- Healing with plants and animals
- Distance healing
The session starts by discussing which areas of healing you wish to focus on. During the QT session, you may stand, sit or lie fully clothed and relaxed on a massage table while soft soothing music is played in the background. Next, the practitioner gently places their hands on your body. There is no physical manipulation. Only the lightest, most gentle touch is used. QT simply provides a powerful field of natural healing energy that your body entrains to and can use to accelerate its healing.
While every individual responds at their own rate and in their own way, the wide range of results being achieved has been exceptional.
Quantum Touch can be given in person and at a distance.
The body will choose the rate at which it heals and the number of sessions required will vary. Improvement in pain and other symptoms generally happens during the first session. Subsequent sessions may be required to continue the healing process, allowing the body to heal at a very deep level
Quantum Touch is complementary to other healing arts and can be used alone or in combination with other holistic or traditional approaches to accelerate your self-healing journey. However, QT is not a replacement for traditional medical approaches.
Please note that while QT can be very effective, no medical claims are made as to the effect or outcome of this treatment approach. Each person is encouraged to be responsible in the use and choice of professional healing assistance as needed.
Many people have been helped on their healing journey, with long-standing problems improving or even healing completely. Further information and examples of healing successes can be found on the website, www.quantumtouch.com
Important Note: Quantum-Touch® is a powerful, complementary holistic therapy and is an adjunct to, and not a replacement of conventional medical care. I do not prescribe or make diagnosis. Please refer to your family practitioner for diagnosis of any medical problems and appropriate prescriptions or medication adjustments.