“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moment to find happiness-
It’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude”
- Brene Brown-

This kit started life as a gratitude jar. My guides gave me a sunflower and it became my sunshine jar. Why a jar? I have encouraged my clients for years to keep a gratitude diary or journal. There are so many reasons for doing this, here are just a few of the benefits:
- Emotional – happier, increase psychological wellbeing, increases positive emotions, increases self-esteem
- Social – improves relationships, increases social support
- Health – improves sleep, improves overall health
- Personality – more optimistic, more giving, reduces impatience
A lot of people find it hard to do this. Its kept out of sight, so easily forgotten. Many people in the past have tried to keep a diary or journal and quickly given up, perhaps developing the belief that its hard work, a chore, or that there is no point so why bother!
The jar is fun to create, and should be kept visible both as a reminder to do it and of the wonderful things that you have in your life. All of which will help to motivate you to continue. On days when you need a boost, just empty the jar and read what you have written. Just reading these, will remind you of all the wonderful things you have in your life and help make you smile again
What Is A "Sunshine Kit"?
‘My Sunshine Kit’ contains a variety of activities to support you finding the sunshine, the joy in your life. Here are a few of the things it supports:-
- Helps you to be present
- Increase your awareness, by changing your focus,
- Change negative thoughts into positive thoughts,
- Raise your vibration, which helps you attract more of what you want
- Reduce anxiety
- Balance and align your chakras and ground yourself
- Use the worry dolls to assist sleep
- Use Ho’oponopono to heal yourself and situations
- Encourages you to be creative, use your imagination and have fun
- Supports you to feel good
- Helps you to focus on the positive, shifting your perception and create changes in your life
- Supports you to keep on track even when there are challenges
Is this something you would find helpful? Make you feel good? Then check out ‘My Sunshine Kit”, or as I have come to think of it…..‘support in a bag’!

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanks givings,
turn routine jobs into joy,
and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”
-William Arthur Ward-

This is a digital product and can be downloaded. This is a good place to start! It takes you through the kit and gives you information, ideas and exercises to get the most out of your kit.

Start by choosing your jar. The jar can be any size or shape. Stickers are provided in the kit so you can decorate your jar. Feel free to add any of your own stickers or anything else to decorate your jar.
Creating your jar is a fun activity. Place the jar somewhere that is easily seen so that is acts as a reminder to use it and of the wonderful things you have in your life.
Once you have set up your sunshine jar and started to record daily the ‘sunshine’ you experience in your life then is a good time to check out the rest of the kit and choose what you would like to focus on next.

A crystal is provided with your kit. Your crystal has been cleared and infused with Reiki energy. Take time to connect with your crystal. Keep the crystal near you and connect with it often. Learn more about how you can use your crystal in the ebook, try out the suggestions and enjoy.

This kit contains two digital products that you can download.
This ebook contains simple exercises you can work through or just choose one of the exercises to do. These exercises will help you feel relaxed, calm and raise your vibration. You can record the exercise and then listen along with it. The exercises may stimulate you to create some of your own. Remember your brain cannot distinquish truth from a lie so the more real you can make it using all your senses, the more powerful and effective it will be.
This thirty minute guided visualization takes you on a journey to balance and alignment, leaving you feeling present, connected and wonderfully relaxed.

There are five cards with uplifting quotes in the kit. You can use the quotes to inspire you. You may be drawn to one quote and focus on this daily for a week. You can use the magnets contained in the kit to place a quote card on the fridge so you can see it often. The cards are the same size as a business card, enabling you to place them in your purse or wallet and refer to them whenever you choose.

The kit also contains five affirmation cards. Choose which affirmation or affirmations work best for you and follow the exercise, saying them out loud every day. You can also create your own affirmations

This is a very powerful technique. The card has four phrases that you can repeat to heal yourself and in so doing, heal the situation. Saying these phrases is very calming and can be used at any time and as often as required.

If you are finding yourself worrying and unable to sleep, try using these delightful little dolls. Simply give the dolls your worries and place the dolls under your pillow before you go to bed. As you sleep the dolls will take away your worries, so you can wake up refreshed and calm. Ready for the day

I hope you enjoy your Sunshine Kit. Have fun with the kit, as you become more present and aware, celebrating the sunshine in your life, allowing your life to fill with joy, peace and happiness.

‘Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being.
It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life,
which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality.”
-Jen Sincero-